Is there any influence on children by tobacco packaging?
My answer is yes. Especially when they see their parents smoke. The packages are very colorful with different images and color effects what can drag children attention. I would like to share a video which shows what kids think about cigarettes packaging...
The movie shows exactly the packaging affect children and it is just shocking... but actually we shouldn't be shocked because we know it is true – tobacco packaging are too fancy, trendy and colorful. In my opinion they shouldn't. Children like if something is shiny, colorful and with images. They have very powerful impact on kids.
Taking this problem from the designer and producer side I have to sadly say that is is business and this is what producer wants. This is the main goal of every company to attract people's attention and drag as many consumer as possible. So within this criteria the packages are just great because they drag adults attention as well as children. This can predict even more consumers in the future because of the fact that kids are attracted already and will probably try to smoke in theirs future. On the other side the packaging as it is only for specific audience – in this case smoking adults, should suit their lifestyle only and should attract only that specific audience. However I think the tobacco companies don't care about it they want as many consumers as possible because it is a profit for them.
In my opinion our life, our population's health is the most important thing and we should all consider and accept the new plain cigarettes packaging because maybe it will help many people in the future.
The new report reviews tobacco industry documents from over the last half century as the future of tobacco packaging is being considered in a Department of Health public consultation.
My analysis is based on the article from
Thursday 26 April 2012, Cancer Research Uk: New report and film reveal shocking impact of tobacco packaging on children [online], [ accessed 28 April 2012]
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